Sunday 7 July 2013

We're standing on the edge... So let's jump

Well well well. Here we are standing on the edge of the precipice staring in the abyssal unknown. We're about to launch a project we think will change the way sport and fitness are discussed among bloggers and which will help people see things just a little bit differently. 

We're all about debate at #RunWithAnIdea. We want you to disagree with us and challenge our opinions because we want to encourage everyone to debate those subjects which are often contentious or difficult. It doesn't matter what your opinion is or whether it's even your genuine opinion! This is all about seeing every side of the story and appreciating that not everyone agrees with you.

We need to ease you all in gently to this new way of talking about things so rather than plunge you in at the deep end with a debate about what the suffragettes would think about womens fitness in contemporary media we've gone for something slightly less emotive yet still timely and inspiring.

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